2023 - Charter Governance Conference Feedback Form
Thank you so much for attending our third annual FL Charter School Governance Conference!  We hope you enjoyed yourself and received a lot of great insights from the sessions you attended.  Please let us know if we can serve your school in any way!
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What is your level of satisfaction for this event
Low - Expected More
High - Excellent
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How did you attend?
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What is your role in the charter community?
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If you are with a charter school, how many years has the school been operating
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Which element of the event did you like the most?
What, if anything, did you dislike about this event?
Was the Whova Platform easy to use and meet your needs?
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How do you feel about this conference being scheduled on a Saturday?
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If we host a similar conference in the future, which would you prefer:
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For future planning, when in the year is the best time for us to host the Governance Conference? *
Did you attend the opening address? (Michell Nunez's presentation)
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